
目前显示的是 九月, 2016的博文

Complete animal feed for chickens

Complete feed for chickens is available in pellet form and as a flour. The advantage of a complete poultry pellet is that chickens cannot pick and choose what to eat and instead ingest all the nutrients they need via the pellet. Flour has the advantage that chickens spend longer foraging, so they are less likely to become bored and put on too much weight. However, flour makes more of a mess than pellets. Flour can be given dry or moistened, but bear in mind that moistened laying flour cannot be left for long in the feeding trough.  complete chicken feed contains a balanced ratio of all the essential building blocks. laying / poultry pellets stimulate egg production and strong eggshells. The balanced mix of vitamins and minerals promotes good general health in chickens. For smaller ornamental breeds, we commends that you use  ornamental fowl pellets, possibly supplemented with poultry grain. The diameter of the ornamental fowl pellet is smaller than that of the poultry...

laying hens pellets

A hen eats about 4 ounces of food a day, and lays an egg that weighs 2 ounces. What goes in is what comes out. The quality and the ingredients of the feed matter. Raising your own chickens for eggs means that you know what your hens are eating. Chickens are omnivores and thrive on a varied diet, but they also have exacting nutritional requirements in order to be able to convert what they consume into eggs. Some people believe that blending their own mixture from individual ingredients guarantees that their hens will be consuming the very best provender possible. After all, they think, it’s not as processed as the commercial pellets. But, for many reasons, homemade chicken feed is problematic. First of all, it’s difficult to keep homemade feed fresh for a small flock because much of what goes into a ration for layers contains oils, and so turns rancid if it is stored for too long or improperly. Also, hens are picky eaters. If fed a mixture of loose grains, the hens will ignore the b...